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How to Remove Unwanted Elements From Screenshots in 20 Seconds Without AI or Image Editing Tools
If you work in content or social media and you often have to take screenshots of other websites then you know how annoying it is when you come across a page with random obstructions. Whether its a giant banner announcing … подробнее...
Almost Pwned: How a Sophisticated Google Scam Nearly Fooled a Seasoned Programmer
Sometimes the difference between security and compromise comes down to a single click — and a healthy dose of suspicion. And it’s because scammers are getting increasingly sophisticated with their phishing attempts. It’s to the point where even following standard … подробнее...
Everyone Is Talking About DeepSeek AI, but Is It Really THAT Good? I Tested It Against GPT-o1 and Claude
The new DeepSeek R1 model from China launched last week. If you’re into AI or even into technology more broadly, it was hard to miss the news. Everyone was talking about it. But it’s not just that. It’s the way … подробнее...
Google Says They Updated Their Site Reputation Abuse Policy…Nothing Actually Changed
This morning, I came across some interesting news about Google’s updated site reputation abuse policies. Apparently, they’ve revised their main guidelines with some fresh updates.… подробнее...
Заявление председателей районных и городских Советов народных депутатов Приднестровской Молдавской Республики
Руководители органов местного самоуправления Приднестровья выступили с совместным заявлением в связи с кризисной ситуацией в городах и районах республики из-за отсутствия газа, теплоснабжения и веерных отключений электроэнергии. Председатели райгорсоветов ПМР выступают в поддержку действий руководства республики и ожидают от властей